Facial Lotion for acne scar relief - The product to be made this time will make an effective lotion for acne and acne scars. Even during puberty and as an adult, you will be under a lot of stress because of acne. Acne occurs because there is a lot of dead skin cells on the skin or the pores are clogged with sebum. After washing your face and exfoliating thoroughly, use a lotion that provides enough moisture and nutrients to your skin. In this recipe, we will make a lotion that is effective for acne and acne scars by using Tamanu oil, which relieves wounds and helps to form new tissues, and centella asiatica extract, which is effective for acne and wound healing.

Facial Lotion for acne scar relief

How to make a Facial Lotion for acne scar relief The product to be made this time will make an effective lotion for acne and acne scars. Even during puberty and as an adult, you will be under a lot of stress because of acne. Acne occurs because there is a lot of dead skin …

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