Quick Tips for making cosmetics

Quick Tips for making cosmetics - This post is Tips to keep in mind when making cosmetics for Natural cosmetic beginners.

Quick Tips for making cosmetics

1. Even a heat-resistant container may break if it is placed in a cold place and suddenly heated to a high temperature. Before heating, let it come to room temperature so that the temperature of the glass container is close to the ambient temperature. It is also not good to put it on a cold floor immediately after heating.

2. Since natural cosmetics do not add synthetic preservatives, you must first sterilize the tools and containers to contain the cosmetics to extend the preservation period. Also, store finished cosmetics in an appropriate way by referring to the expiration date.

3. Depending on the skin type, you can add and subtract moisturizers such as glycerin or hyaluronic acid. Adjust the amount of water by that amount to match the total amount.

4. If the amount of ingredients is small, the thermometer may not measure the temperature properly. When heating oils and emulsifiers, the melting point of the emulsifier is between 60 and 70 degrees. So when the emulsifier melts, it has reached the appropriate temperature for emulsification.

5. Natural cosmetics is to use for skin and hair care purposes. It is not to intend for treatment, So if you develop a skin disease, you must see a doctor.

Other Ingredients Information
Ingredients Info

-The Nature Atelier-
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