Hair composition and damage - When making hair products such as shampoo and conditioner that are good for hair, understanding the composition and damage of hair will help you make better products and products that suit you.

Hair composition and damage

Hair composition and damage – When making hair products such as shampoo and conditioner that are good for hair, understanding the composition and damage of hair will help you make better products and products that suit you.

1. The composition of hair

1) The components of hair are composed of protein, melanin pigment, lipid, moisture and other trace elements, and the main component is keratin.
2) Hair consists of three layers: hair epidermis, hair sebum, and hair medulla.
3) Hair is composed of a cuticle layer to protect it from physical damage from the outside. The cuticle layer has a round shape with overlapping cuticular cells, which are hard keratinocytes, with a scaly cell layer.

Hair cuticle

1) It is the outermost layer of hair tissue, and it is overlapped with thin membranes and small scales.
2) It is composed of keratin and has strong resistance to the environment.

Hair cortex

1) It is located in the center of the hair epidermis and the hair medulla accounts for 80 to 90% of the total hair volume, and has a twisted shape.
2) When you dye or perm at a hair salon, the layer that changes is the cortex.

Hair Quality

1) It is located in the innermost center of the hair, has a honeycomb-like porous shape, and contains air.
2) There is almost no hair quality in thin hair, and it is present in thick hair.
3) Wave perm does not come out well or does not work well on hair due to low or low-quality hair.

2. Hair damage

1) As hairstyles that emphasize individuality have diversified, factors that damage hair have also diversified.
2) Hair damage can be caused by various factors such as chemical, physical, and chemical exposure and aging.

Hair damage is diverse, such as frequent use of synthetic dyes and bleaches, accumulation of chemical components in the hair due to the use of perms, hair dryers, and shampoos with a lot of chemicals added, exposure to ultraviolet rays, heat, and hair drying. Representative damage to hair is the use of shampoos made with petroleum-based chemical surfactants. The use of such a shampoo causes the hair epidermis and hair cuticle layer to open, causing the hair to become rough and lose lustre, or stimulates the scalp to cause hair loss.

-The Nature Atelier-

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