Basic tools for Making cosmetics - Hotplate, Scales, Blender, Beaker, thermometer, Reagent spoon, Silicone spatula, Ph tester and more.

Basic tools for Making cosmetics

Basic tools for Making cosmetics Lists

Basic tools for Making cosmetics - Hotplate, Scales, Blender, Beaker, thermometer, Reagent spoon, Silicone spatula, Ph tester and more.

Hot plate
It is a necessary tool for heating when melting or emulsifying materials. You can alternate to gas stove or a microwave. But it is safe because there is no flame, and it is convenient to heat the container right away.

Basic tools for Making cosmetics - Hotplate, Scales, Blender, Beaker, thermometer, Reagent spoon, Silicone spatula, Ph tester and more.

Electronic scale
It is necessary when weighing raw materials. There are scales in units of 0.1g or units of 0.01g. When making a small amount of cosmetics for personal use at home, we recommend a 0.01g unit scale. It is difficult to weigh on a needle scale, so use an electronic scale if possible.

Basic tools for Making cosmetics - Hotplate, Scales, Blender, Beaker, thermometer, Reagent spoon, Silicone spatula, Ph tester and more.

Hand blender
You will need it when mixing ingredients. Blenders used for cosmetics must be used separately from blenders for soap.

Basic tools for Making cosmetics - Hotplate, Scales, Blender, Beaker, thermometer, Reagent spoon, Silicone spatula, Ph tester and more.

Heat-resistant glassware and beakers
It is a necessary tool for weighing, mixing and heating ingredients. This is safe to use a heat-resistant glass container, such as Pyrex. It can be replaced with a mug, but it’s good to check the process of making transparent glass material in between.

Basic tools for Making cosmetics - Hotplate, Scales, Blender, Beaker, thermometer, Reagent spoon, Silicone spatula, Ph tester and more.

It is necessary to check the proper temperature when making cosmetics.

Basic tools for Making cosmetics - Hotplate, Scales, Blender, Beaker, thermometer, Reagent spoon, Silicone spatula, Ph tester and more.

Reagent spoon
Use for weighing powdered ingredients, adding solid ingredients such as butter, and mixing ingredients.


Silicone spatula
Silicone spatula need to mix ingredients evenly and to put cosmetics into a container. Also, if you use it alternately with a blender during the emulsification process, you can see fewer bubbles and an even viscosity. We recommend a silicone material that is resistant to heat and has good elasticity.


Disinfectant Ethanol Spray
Ethanol spray need to sterilize containers and tools for cosmetics. An alcohol content of 70 to 80% has a high disinfection rate, and it is convenient to disinfect using a spray container. If you purchased 99% alcohol, mix purified water and alcohol in a ratio of 2:8 or 3:7 to adjust the content.

PH tester
It is a tool to measure the PH of finished cosmetics. After making cosmetics, You should test to see if it has reached the proper PH level. There are two types of PH tester paper and electronic devices.

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Ingredients Info

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